14 May 2024 @ 7:47 AM 

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

FREE SHIPPING NEW Mini Excavator + HYDRAULIC THUMB Briggs & Stratton Engine

DRIVERS DO NOT ASSIST IN UNLOADING. BUYERS MUST HAVE ARRANGMENTS TO UNLOAD. These are VERY strong little units. Gas unit, EPA certified 13.5 HP Briggs Hydraulic Thumb. Max digging depth 1600mm (5.24 ft). Overall size of unit: 25509501350 mm (8.363.124.4). Operating weight: 2000 Lbs.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 14 May 2024 @ 07 47 AM


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