02 May 2024 @ 5:55 AM 

Hitachi ECU 9151227

Hitachi ECU 9151227

Hitachi ECU 9151227

Hitachi ECU 9151227

Hitachi ECU 9151227

Hitachi ECU 9151227

Bought this brand new thinking it was our problem, we ran it in our EX750-5 for a week but, turned out to be bad harness wire. So rather than this getting lost, misplaced, or thrown away. I’d rather sell it to someone who needs one and won’t have to spend astronomical dealer prices. If you want to Upgrade the performance of your excavator, this Hitachi; EC 9151227 is just what you need. Designed to work with Fiat-Hitachi and Hitachi equipment, this controller will enhance the efficiency of your machine. With compatibility for EX800H-5, EX750-5.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 02 May 2024 @ 05 55 AM


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