30 Apr 2024 @ 1:40 PM 

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

Mini Excavator 2016 Case CX 17 B with Hydraulic Thumb

2016 Case Mini Excavator with Hydraulic Thumb. Low hours [2313 actual]. Dependable 58.1 cu in 3 cylinder Diesel. Operating weight 3638 lbs. Tracks adjust in and out. Tight, responsive and ready to go to work. No surprises and as you can see she is garage kept.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 30 Apr 2024 @ 01 40 PM


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