26 Mar 2024 @ 5:02 PM 

2020 BOBCAT E42 Enclosed ROPS

2020 BOBCAT E42 Enclosed ROPS

2020 BOBCAT E42 Enclosed ROPS

2020 BOBCAT E42 Enclosed ROPS

2020 BOBCAT E42 Enclosed ROPS

2020 BOBCAT E42 Enclosed ROPS

2020 E42 42.6HP. Machine has never has seen a job site 2nd owner used at house by previous owner also Low hours only 365.20. Clamp with Diverter Valve Hydraulic X. Enclosed Cab with Cloth Suspension. Bobcat 7 inch Touch. A straight blade and also has a hydraulic thumb with quick attachment feature. Standard boom, but it does articulate. Bank check will need to clear prior to release of machine.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 26 Mar 2024 @ 05 02 PM


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