25 Mar 2024 @ 4:51 PM 

VA13C Mini Excavator 1 Ton 13.5 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Gas

VA13C Mini Excavator 1 Ton 13.5 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Gas

VA13C Mini Excavator 1 Ton 13.5 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Gas

VA13C Mini Excavator 1 Ton 13.5 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Gas

VA13C Mini Excavator 1 Ton 13.5 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Gas

VA13C Mini Excavator 1 Ton 13.5 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Gas

This 13.5 hp Mini Digging Machine is perfect for construction sites. With a maximum digging depth of 73 inches, it can handle a variety of tasks. The excavator features a bucket width of 15.7 inches and a bucket volume of 0.9 ft3. It also has a maximum slope grade of 30° and an operating weight of under 3,000 lbs. The mini excavator has a rated power of 13.5 hp and a rated torque of 21 lb. The machine has an overall height of 7.5 ft. And an overall track length of 48.5 inches. It has a hydraulic tank volume of 3.9 gallons and a fuel tank volume of 1.7 gallons, with a fuel consumption rate of 0.3 gallons per hour.

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Categories: va13c
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 25 Mar 2024 @ 04 51 PM


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