18 Mar 2024 @ 7:58 AM 

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

AGT RATO 1-ton Mini & Small Excavator, With Cab Gasoline For Sale AGT-QH13R

With a compact design, 1-ton operating weight, and a maximum digging depth of 5.55 feet, AGT Mini Excavator has a compact and reliable design that ensures easy maneuverability in small areas such as farms, gardens, public spaces, parks, orchards, and farms. Working Weight(kg):960. Bucket capacity(m³):0.03. Travel speed low/high speed(Km/h):0-1.8. Climbing ability(%):30. Maximum Digging Height(mm). Maximum Unloading Height(mm). Maximum Digging Depth(mm). Engine oil change quantity(L). Theoretical fuel consumption(L/h). 8 manually operated multi-way valves. Rated Set Pressure(Mpa). Hydraulic Linear Motor type. Maximum flow rate of main pump(L/min). Hydraulic Servo Motor type.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 18 Mar 2024 @ 07 58 AM


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