21 Feb 2024 @ 4:40 AM 

2023 mini excavator for sale

2023 mini excavator for sale

2023 mini excavator for sale

2023 mini excavator for sale

2023 mini excavator for sale

2023 mini excavator for sale

2023 mini excavator for sale

Machine is extremely strong for its size and great for tight to fit in areas, it comes with a tooth bucket with removable teeth, thumb for picking up materials and a dozer blade for backfilling. The machine is powered by a Briggs and Stratton XR motor the full spec sheet will be listed below. Engine: Briggs & Stratton. Engine Power: 13.5HP. Overall Dimension: 91″ L x 39″ W x 83 H. Total Length of Track: 48.43. Platform Back Turning Radius: 30.87. Chassis Ground Clearance: 5.2. Track Height: 12.6. Work Weight: 2204 lbs (1 ton). Digging Bucket Capacity: 583 lbs. Digging Height: 94.5. Capacity of Bucket: 0.03 m³. Min Rotation Radius: 63.2. Maximum Unloading Height: 65.74. Max Angle of Climb: 30°. Max Load Height: 65.7. Maximum Climbing Angle: 30°. Volume: 4.89 m³.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 21 Feb 2024 @ 04 40 AM


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