29 Jan 2024 @ 12:57 AM 

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Amphibious Linkbelt 2650C Pontoon Floating excavator

Machine always starts right up. The nice thing about this machine is that it is the largest pontoon machine that can be hauled as-is and doesnt need dismantled. It’s a nice size and can be hauled on a lowboy without being overweight or overheight, just overwidfth at 13.5 feet wide.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 29 Jan 2024 @ 12 57 AM


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