01 Jul 2024 @ 6:34 AM 

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

Mini excavator Chassis Extension And Boom Side Swing EPA 13.5hp HW small digger

HW-15C Mini Excavator Features. Its versatility will bring more flexibility to your construction site. Our mini excavators are equipped with boom side swing and chassis extension, as well as detachable bulldozers. They can help you work in extremely small spaces without rotating the body, as long as you dig Our excavators can help you carry out operations without blind spots in any space that the machine can drive into. Outstanding Maneuverability: Carefully designed, the HW-15C mini excavator navigates with ease in limited spaces, enabling you to tackle complex job site environments effortlessly. Small construction sites/ Urban renovation projects/ Narrow space excavation/ Landscape design. Reliable And Excellent Engine. An excellent engine provides excellent power with minimal fuel consumption, resulting in increased productivity per tank. The soft rubber track can effectively protect the road and working ground, you can let it enter indoor and Hard ground for gardens. We also offer more auxiliary tools for you to choose, including hydraulic breakers, 20cm to 60cm toothless buckets, auger. All movements of our mini excavators are by hydraulics. Due to transportation, our Excavator cannot contain liquid in the fuel and hydraulic oil tank.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 01 Jul 2024 @ 06 34 AM


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