29 May 2024 @ 9:36 AM 

132 Caterpillar 308E2 CR SB Mini Hydraulic Excavator High Line Series by Di

132 Caterpillar 308E2 CR SB Mini Hydraulic Excavator High Line Series by Di

This highly detailed, officially licensed scale model replica is a must have for any collection! Diecast Masters works with the engineers at Caterpillar to create an extremely accurate scale model in 1:50th Scale. 1:50th scale means this machine is 50 times smaller than the real thing, and functions the same way! High Line Series Packaging: Collectible, full-color printed metal box, including machine photos and specifications. Die-cut foam insert protects model within the box. Cardboard outer box provides additional protection. Detailed cab interior including operator, Authentic Cat Machine Yellow paint, Authentic Cat trade dress Moveable boom, stick, bucket, and dozer blade, Rotates 360° on undercarriage, Work tools included: bucket, auger and hammer.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 29 May 2024 @ 09 36 AM


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